"Sidekicks" is a term we use to refer to students who come along side our students receiving inclusive education services as a peer tutor, lunch partner, or just a friend. Sidekick outings happen a few times each school year (it varies year to year based on student involvement and case load!). It's a great chance for students to get out and have some fun together!
Many of the students we service need extra support in the classroom, but prefer not to go to class with an adult- it makes them stand out. This is where Sidekicks tutors come in! Sidekicks tutors are students who help out in Mrs. Gray's room or the general education classes. They are assigned to a student who receives inclusion services to support and be a model for. Sidekicks tutors receive credit for this, meet with Mrs. Gray once a week to review how things are going, and report what they do with their partnered student every day in class. Sidekicks must apply and be accepted to be a tutor. Sidekicks are assigned to students based on student needs, Mrs. Gray's input, and parent consent.
Lunch Partners:
For students who have a hard time finding friends at lunch, they can be assigned to a lunch group of student volunteers.